‎£499.00 / 6 Months


1-Matrix 9 on mannequins

In this block:
- A detailed study of the nine basic shapes/haircuts on which the technical skill of cutting is based.
-Studying diagrams of all submitted shapes/haircuts
-A thorough study of the theory of basic shapes / haircuts and the five tools used to control the silhouette and its geometry.

2-Combined fundamental shapes/haircuts on mannequins.

-In this block, the student masters the skill of combining 9 fundamental shapes/haircuts, which allows him to perform more complex and most popular salon combinations.

3-Matrix 9 on models

This block is necessary to observe the peculiarities of building shapes/haircuts on the human bone structure and different hair textures.

(ATTENTION-Video without audio comments, purely visual observation, as in the salon with master)

4-Creative shapes

This block replaces the necessary experience of watching the master in the salon, where the student standing next to the master gets a visual experience and develops an aesthetic perception of shape and creativity.
(block, without audio accompaniment)
In this block, you can learn the art of more complex combinations and work with asymmetries and disconnections.
All of these courses are recorded with Anna Eshwood herself.

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Course Terminology


Technical skill implies construction of designs using hair based solely on logic.
Every action, step and word has its own reason and explanation. Understanding of basic terms is your first step on the way to professional study of our skill.


1. Design / Shape (haircut)
Technical skill is based on the geometrical method of working with hair, which is our construction material. This method relies on fundamental architectural knowledge of three geometries and correct proportions. That is why the word design is more accurate.
The word haircut implies visual and intuitive approach when hair is cut longer or shorter with no regard to correct proportions and fundamental laws of design.

2. Elevation
The term elevation means lifting. In our skill, this instrument forms the technique and determines the point of maximum expansion of the shape by means of lifting the section up.

3. Over-direction

Over-direction is a deliberate action that directs the section into certain geometry of the shape.

4. Vertical section (section from ear to ear through the highest point of the skull)
When using the geometrical method of hair design one must keep in mind that hair is a flexible material that obeys gravity. Artificial over-direction of hair forward or backward from the natural break-up, as it is the case with the section that goes through the highest point of the skull, is not functional and it disturbs the geometry of the shape.
Vertical section divides hair naturally into hair falling to the sides and hair falling to the back of the head. Besides, combination of geometries takes place along this vertical section.

5. Occipital bone (medical term)
It is the most protruding area of the back of the head. It is the orienting point for the construction of functional designs with correct proportions. The horizontal section that divides the head into internal and external parts is situated in the area of the occipital bone.

6. External part of the shape (lower occipital area)
External part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated lower of the occipital bone. The term external graduation comes from this term.

7. Internal part of the shape (parietal area)
Internal part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated higher of the occipital bone.
When studying the foundation of technical skill we cover the skull in general, with the help of particular sections. That is why we do not divide it into such areas as parietal area, lower occipital area or central occipital area.

8. Weight line
It is the area of the maximum expansion of the weight.

9. Bilateral symmetry
It is the symmetry of mirror reflection. In technical skill balance and proportions of the shape are built according to bilateral symmetry.

10. Horizontal section
This section goes through the occipital bone area. It divides the shape into external and internal parts. We combine techniques through the horizontal section.

11. Tension
It is the tension applied to the section. The purity of the silhouette depends on the intensity and evenness of the tension.

12. Silhouette
It is the contour of the shape from any perspective.

13. Proportions
Relation of similar sections and shapes that forms an architectural structure and gives it integrity and harmony. Architectural proportions are defined by artistic concept and technical requirements.

Matrix 9


The lessons in this course and the next open one by one. You must complete the form at the bottom of each lesson before you can move onto the next.

Course Terminology


Technical skill implies construction of designs using hair based solely on logic.
Every action, step and word has its own reason and explanation. Understanding of basic terms is your first step on the way to professional study of our skill.


1. Design / Shape (haircut)
Technical skill is based on the geometrical method of working with hair, which is our construction material. This method relies on fundamental architectural knowledge of three geometries and correct proportions. That is why the word design is more accurate.
The word haircut implies visual and intuitive approach when hair is cut longer or shorter with no regard to correct proportions and fundamental laws of design.

2. Elevation
The term elevation means lifting. In our skill, this instrument forms the technique and determines the point of maximum expansion of the shape by means of lifting the section up.

3. Over-direction

Over-direction is a deliberate action that directs the section into certain geometry of the shape.

4. Vertical section (section from ear to ear through the highest point of the skull)
When using the geometrical method of hair design one must keep in mind that hair is a flexible material that obeys gravity. Artificial over-direction of hair forward or backward from the natural break-up, as it is the case with the section that goes through the highest point of the skull, is not functional and it disturbs the geometry of the shape.
Vertical section divides hair naturally into hair falling to the sides and hair falling to the back of the head. Besides, combination of geometries takes place along this vertical section.

5. Occipital bone (medical term)
It is the most protruding area of the back of the head. It is the orienting point for the construction of functional designs with correct proportions. The horizontal section that divides the head into internal and external parts is situated in the area of the occipital bone.

6. External part of the shape (lower occipital area)
External part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated lower of the occipital bone. The term external graduation comes from this term.

7. Internal part of the shape (parietal area)
Internal part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated higher of the occipital bone.
When studying the foundation of technical skill we cover the skull in general, with the help of particular sections. That is why we do not divide it into such areas as parietal area, lower occipital area or central occipital area.

8. Weight line
It is the area of the maximum expansion of the weight.

9. Bilateral symmetry
It is the symmetry of mirror reflection. In technical skill balance and proportions of the shape are built according to bilateral symmetry.

10. Horizontal section
This section goes through the occipital bone area. It divides the shape into external and internal parts. We combine techniques through the horizontal section.

11. Tension
It is the tension applied to the section. The purity of the silhouette depends on the intensity and evenness of the tension.

12. Silhouette
It is the contour of the shape from any perspective.

13. Proportions
Relation of similar sections and shapes that forms an architectural structure and gives it integrity and harmony. Architectural proportions are defined by artistic concept and technical requirements.

Course Guide

Educational system MATRIX 9 consists of theory and practice. Many craftsmen who work visually prefer to start with practice right away. However, without theoretical knowledge their practice will not be efficient. And vice versa, one can master theoretical approach, but without practice they will not get the desired result.
Consistency and planning are crucial in the process of mastering of any skill.

This course includes:
1. Four lectures that will give you general understanding of what you are dealing with.
2. Diagrams that develop spatial thinking and make an integral part of our skill.
3. Video lessons (practice) in which theoretical knowledge, diagrams and spatial thinking are used to make designs from hair, which is our constructing material. Every step is carefully planned and thought through.

While mastering a skill, in order to obtain the desired result one must regularly perform effective actions.

We recommend to begin with the following theoretical bases:
1. Lecture “Fundamental shapes and techniques” – introduction.
2. Lecture “Line” – going into detail.
3. Lecture “Bone Structure” – increase of knowledge.
4. Lecture “The Art of Consultation” – personal growth.

Lecture “Fundamental Shapes and Techniques” introduces the basic principles of professions that are connected with design, such as architecture or fine arts. In this lecture our skill is made equal to these professions.
Lecture “Line” provides deeper knowledge and important details of our skill.
Lecture “Bone Structure” develops your understanding of the profession. You will learn that we work not only with the constructing material but also with the foundation which is the bone structure. Careful studying of the bone structure helps to observe the principle rules of design.
Lecture “The Art of Consultation” is devoted to your personal growth and professionalism, as well as to the service culture in general.
Practicing with video lesson is based on a “simple-to-complex” principle. There is a certain sequence of lessons. We strongly recommend to follow it and not to go ahead of yourself, as it may confuse you and lead you astray from the right path of succeeding.

Suggested sequence:

1. Triangular line
2. Square line
3. Round line
4. Triangular layers
5. Square graduation
6. Square layers
7. Round layers on medium length
8. Triangular graduation
9. Round graduation
10. Round layers on short length

We strongly recommend that you train on mannequins, because practice of a new skill demands maximum concentration and a lot of time. Besides, it will minimalize the stress and let you look into details by analyzing your mistakes.

Recommendations for your lessons:
What is the structure of your lessons? Let’s take “Line” lesson as an example.
Study the diagram and draw it from memory. (15 minutes)
Watch the video lesson. (30 minutes)
Build the design on the mannequin in front of the mirror. (120 minutes)
Make positive and constructive analysis of your work. (15 minutes)
In total you will spend 3 hours per day on your personal growth.

After watching the inspiring introductory video you may very well say: “I am ready and I will practice every day”. But it is not that simple, this kind of determination is not enough. Inspiration will go away and laziness will follow. So do not try to bite more than you can chew. Every job must be given a lot of thought. Do not forget that there must be balance in life as well as in design.

The course should take from 4 to 6 months. You must plan your education with due regard to your preoccupancy. We recommend to practice once or twice a week for 3 hours.


Course Terminology


Technical skill implies construction of designs using hair based solely on logic.
Every action, step and word has its own reason and explanation. Understanding of basic terms is your first step on the way to professional study of our skill.


1. Design / Shape (haircut)
Technical skill is based on the geometrical method of working with hair, which is our construction material. This method relies on fundamental architectural knowledge of three geometries and correct proportions. That is why the word design is more accurate.
The word haircut implies visual and intuitive approach when hair is cut longer or shorter with no regard to correct proportions and fundamental laws of design.

2. Elevation
The term elevation means lifting. In our skill, this instrument forms the technique and determines the point of maximum expansion of the shape by means of lifting the section up.

3. Over-direction

Over-direction is a deliberate action that directs the section into certain geometry of the shape.

4. Vertical section (section from ear to ear through the highest point of the skull)
When using the geometrical method of hair design one must keep in mind that hair is a flexible material that obeys gravity. Artificial over-direction of hair forward or backward from the natural break-up, as it is the case with the section that goes through the highest point of the skull, is not functional and it disturbs the geometry of the shape.
Vertical section divides hair naturally into hair falling to the sides and hair falling to the back of the head. Besides, combination of geometries takes place along this vertical section.

5. Occipital bone (medical term)
It is the most protruding area of the back of the head. It is the orienting point for the construction of functional designs with correct proportions. The horizontal section that divides the head into internal and external parts is situated in the area of the occipital bone.

6. External part of the shape (lower occipital area)
External part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated lower of the occipital bone. The term external graduation comes from this term.

7. Internal part of the shape (parietal area)
Internal part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated higher of the occipital bone.
When studying the foundation of technical skill we cover the skull in general, with the help of particular sections. That is why we do not divide it into such areas as parietal area, lower occipital area or central occipital area.

8. Weight line
It is the area of the maximum expansion of the weight.

9. Bilateral symmetry
It is the symmetry of mirror reflection. In technical skill balance and proportions of the shape are built according to bilateral symmetry.

10. Horizontal section
This section goes through the occipital bone area. It divides the shape into external and internal parts. We combine techniques through the horizontal section.

11. Tension
It is the tension applied to the section. The purity of the silhouette depends on the intensity and evenness of the tension.

12. Silhouette
It is the contour of the shape from any perspective.

13. Proportions
Relation of similar sections and shapes that forms an architectural structure and gives it integrity and harmony. Architectural proportions are defined by artistic concept and technical requirements.

Course Guide




These shapes are the most functional and desirable, customers like them the most, because the correctly constructed ones require minimal styling and, if created with the right proportions, can be worn for more than 6 months!

The course implies the knowledge of the MATRIX-9 system and practical experience.

Without a thorough study of the fundamental diagrams and practical training, the COMBINATIONS OF FUNDAMENTAL SHAPES course will not give any significant result.


1. Study or remember all the lectures attached to the course.
2. Study PDF FILES with diagrams and lectures that concern COMBINATIONS OF FUNDAMENTAL SHAPES.
2.1. Draw each diagram, copying the original and making sure that there is no distortion.
2.2. Make sure that there is parallel alignment of sections and accuracy of perpendiculars to the sections.


3. Watch the video while studying the diagram for this video; see how the diagram is applied to the bone structure.
4. Try to transfer the diagram on the dummy, keeping the parallel alignment of sections.
5. Build the shape on the dummy, repeating all the actions in the video lesson, as if after your personal trainer. Pause the video and copy the actiona step by step.
6. Observe the sequence of work with the designs, as indicated in the lecture.

FOR MAXIMUM USE OF ONE DUMMY HEAD start with the longest length ranges and move to short lengths.

STUDY THE RANGE OF LENGTHS FOR EACH DESIGN CAREFULLY. You must know it in order to construct a functional design.

Matrix 9 - Models

Observation, no sound

Course Terminology


Technical skill implies construction of designs using hair based solely on logic.
Every action, step and word has its own reason and explanation. Understanding of basic terms is your first step on the way to professional study of our skill.


1. Design / Shape (haircut)
Technical skill is based on the geometrical method of working with hair, which is our construction material. This method relies on fundamental architectural knowledge of three geometries and correct proportions. That is why the word design is more accurate.
The word haircut implies visual and intuitive approach when hair is cut longer or shorter with no regard to correct proportions and fundamental laws of design.

2. Elevation
The term elevation means lifting. In our skill, this instrument forms the technique and determines the point of maximum expansion of the shape by means of lifting the section up.

3. Over-direction

Over-direction is a deliberate action that directs the section into certain geometry of the shape.

4. Vertical section (section from ear to ear through the highest point of the skull)
When using the geometrical method of hair design one must keep in mind that hair is a flexible material that obeys gravity. Artificial over-direction of hair forward or backward from the natural break-up, as it is the case with the section that goes through the highest point of the skull, is not functional and it disturbs the geometry of the shape.
Vertical section divides hair naturally into hair falling to the sides and hair falling to the back of the head. Besides, combination of geometries takes place along this vertical section.

5. Occipital bone (medical term)
It is the most protruding area of the back of the head. It is the orienting point for the construction of functional designs with correct proportions. The horizontal section that divides the head into internal and external parts is situated in the area of the occipital bone.

6. External part of the shape (lower occipital area)
External part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated lower of the occipital bone. The term external graduation comes from this term.

7. Internal part of the shape (parietal area)
Internal part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated higher of the occipital bone.
When studying the foundation of technical skill we cover the skull in general, with the help of particular sections. That is why we do not divide it into such areas as parietal area, lower occipital area or central occipital area.

8. Weight line
It is the area of the maximum expansion of the weight.

9. Bilateral symmetry
It is the symmetry of mirror reflection. In technical skill balance and proportions of the shape are built according to bilateral symmetry.

10. Horizontal section
This section goes through the occipital bone area. It divides the shape into external and internal parts. We combine techniques through the horizontal section.

11. Tension
It is the tension applied to the section. The purity of the silhouette depends on the intensity and evenness of the tension.

12. Silhouette
It is the contour of the shape from any perspective.

13. Proportions
Relation of similar sections and shapes that forms an architectural structure and gives it integrity and harmony. Architectural proportions are defined by artistic concept and technical requirements.

Course Guide



The course implies the knowledge of the MATRIX-9 system and practical experience.

Without a thorough study of the fundamental diagrams and practical training, the course will not give any significant result.

The course gives you an opportunity to watch the work of professionals just like you would watch it when being an apprentice in a salon.


Salon Creative

Observation, no sound

Course Terminology


Technical skill implies construction of designs using hair based solely on logic.
Every action, step and word has its own reason and explanation. Understanding of basic terms is your first step on the way to professional study of our skill.


1. Design / Shape (haircut)
Technical skill is based on the geometrical method of working with hair, which is our construction material. This method relies on fundamental architectural knowledge of three geometries and correct proportions. That is why the word design is more accurate.
The word haircut implies visual and intuitive approach when hair is cut longer or shorter with no regard to correct proportions and fundamental laws of design.

2. Elevation
The term elevation means lifting. In our skill, this instrument forms the technique and determines the point of maximum expansion of the shape by means of lifting the section up.

3. Over-direction

Over-direction is a deliberate action that directs the section into certain geometry of the shape.

4. Vertical section (section from ear to ear through the highest point of the skull)
When using the geometrical method of hair design one must keep in mind that hair is a flexible material that obeys gravity. Artificial over-direction of hair forward or backward from the natural break-up, as it is the case with the section that goes through the highest point of the skull, is not functional and it disturbs the geometry of the shape.
Vertical section divides hair naturally into hair falling to the sides and hair falling to the back of the head. Besides, combination of geometries takes place along this vertical section.

5. Occipital bone (medical term)
It is the most protruding area of the back of the head. It is the orienting point for the construction of functional designs with correct proportions. The horizontal section that divides the head into internal and external parts is situated in the area of the occipital bone.

6. External part of the shape (lower occipital area)
External part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated lower of the occipital bone. The term external graduation comes from this term.

7. Internal part of the shape (parietal area)
Internal part of the shape is the part of the bone structure situated higher of the occipital bone.
When studying the foundation of technical skill we cover the skull in general, with the help of particular sections. That is why we do not divide it into such areas as parietal area, lower occipital area or central occipital area.

8. Weight line
It is the area of the maximum expansion of the weight.

9. Bilateral symmetry
It is the symmetry of mirror reflection. In technical skill balance and proportions of the shape are built according to bilateral symmetry.

10. Horizontal section
This section goes through the occipital bone area. It divides the shape into external and internal parts. We combine techniques through the horizontal section.

11. Tension
It is the tension applied to the section. The purity of the silhouette depends on the intensity and evenness of the tension.

12. Silhouette
It is the contour of the shape from any perspective.

13. Proportions
Relation of similar sections and shapes that forms an architectural structure and gives it integrity and harmony. Architectural proportions are defined by artistic concept and technical requirements.

Course Guide



The course implies the knowledge of the MATRIX-9 system and practical experience.

Without a thorough study of the fundamental diagrams and practical training, the course will not give any significant result.

The course gives you an opportunity to watch the work of professionals just like you would watch it when being an apprentice in a salon.


©2020 Anna Eshwood Ltd