We start this design with the line technique. Triangular line is built starting from the main section. The back of the head is divided in two equal parts by the black-colored section. Then we separate additional blue-colored sections. We start from the lower section. The incline of the section corresponds to the cheekbone slope. It is a slight incline from the horizon. The next section is parallel to the previous one. We continue with parallel sections as far as the top of the ear. After that we start to turn the sections pivotally. Section after section we move to the vertical section that will be shown on the side view. It divides hair growing to the side and to the back of the head. The red arrows show the over-direction. The hair is combed and directed into the expanded shape. The cutting angle is directed into the expanded shape. The expanded shape is shown with the green pecked line. The red pecked arrows show the over-direction into the expanded shape.
You can see at the side view that all types of lines are constructed in the same way. Round, triangular and square line. We separate additional sections shown in blue color, following the slope of the cheekbone and the jaw. It is a slight incline from the horizon. We move upwards as far as the pivoting rotation. The pivoting rotation goes through the vertical section shown in black color. It divides hair growing to the side and to the back of the head. The sections turn pivotally from this point above the ear top. The red arrow shows the over-direction into the expanded shape. The sections must be directed according to the red pecked arrows – down into the expanded shape towards the green pecked line. It shows the expanded shape. Triangular geometry on the side is built according to the orienting points of the bone structure.
Today we will work with triangular layers on maximum length. Triangular layers is one of basic fundamental designs from Matrix-9 system. Triangular layers are constructed starting from a little below the shoulders and lower as far as there is enough density. The ideal length is a little bit below the shoulder. Triangular layers have several functions. First of all they make the outline curve inwards. Thus they help us to control the outline. The line technique by itself makes the design flat, the hair doesn’t curve inwards. But layers create additional dynamics and the line curves inwards. Before we start the construction of layers we need to build a line. In combination with tringular layers the line can have square or triangular geometry. If you want to construct a round line at the face, then you will have to combine triangular layers with round layers in the internal part of the shape.In such a way the design will be more flexible, it will move freely both to the left and to the right, and its dynamics will be fluent and strong.
Before we start the construction of layers we need to build a line. The line will be the foundation of the design. It will be our guide when we choose the distance between the layers and the bone structure. We will be guided by the density of the line when building layers. So first we have to build the line. I have already constructed a line with square geometry. My task is to finish the construction with the round line. So I recommend that first you build a square line, because we don’t construct round lines on wet hair. When the hair is dry you will be able to construct a line of round geometry. Thus, we start with the construction of the line. Then we will start to build layers. Firts we will complete the design called triangular layers and after that we will construct round layers on short length and a round line.