Now you can see the length range and the geometries of this design. The line can have round, square or triangular geometry. The red pecked line shows the over-direction into the expanded shape. The length ranges from the level of the eyebrows to the level of the lips. We start the construction from the side. We separate diagonal sections that move from the temple towards the center of the back of the head. The incline of the sections corresponds the the incline of the cheekbone, but the other way round. The sections are not stoop, they are almost horizontal. We move from the edge of hair growth, which is the external part, up to the internal part of the shape. Each section is parallel to the previous one. The red arrow shows the elevation.
The elevation of each section has the same angle. You can see this angle by the red pecked arrows that show the over-direction towards the silhouette. The silhouette of the back of the head is shown with the green pecked line. The green pecked line also shows the expanded shape. If you direct the hair perpendicularly to the head you will see the silhouette of the expanded shape. It is shown in green pecked line. The red pecked arrow in the facial area shows the over-direction into the expanded shape. The green pecked line at the bottom of the diagram shows the length range. The shortest possible length for round graduation is the area of the earlobe. The maximum length is around the tip of the nose. You can also see the round geometry. The orienting points are the corner of the nose and the corner of the jaw.
Pure round graduation is constructed from the face to the back of the head. The dynamics is from the face to the back of the head. You should choose this design only if your client wears a fixated central or side parting. The parting is responsible for balance. We construct balance from the parting. Graduation as it is has the weight at a particular level. We are going to construct the weight at a needed level with the help of elevation. It is quite a stable design with the dynamics from the face to the back of the head.
How do we construct round graduation? From the very beginning we direct the hair into the sections that we will separate during the construction of the design. The cutting angle starts from the temple. The expanded shape is just like on the top view of the diagram. The design widens at the temple and narrows toward the back of the head. The narrowing must be gradual and soft, so that when you lower the sections, you can see how the weight follows the cheekbone slope. If the weight drops down or lies horizontally, it means that you make the cutting angle too closely to the head or expand it too much. You can achieve this harmony only with a lot of practice. The weight must always follow the cheekbone slope.