Now you can see the length range and the geometries of the line possible for this design. The line can have square or triangular geometry. It can be round only if the triangular graduation is combined with round layers. You can find this design in combination course. The red pecked arrow shows the over-direction into the expanded shape. The length ranges from the level of the lips to the corner of the jaw. The diagram shows the main black-colored section. You can see its incline. The orienting inclines are the slopes of the cheekbone and of the jaw. Then we start to turn the blue colored additional sections pivotally. The litte red arrows show the over-direction back to the previous section. You can also see the construction of the side. The additional blue-colored sections are parallel to the main section. We move from the main section up to the internal part of the shape.
Each section is parallel to the previous one. The long red arrow shows the over-direction on the side. Each section on the side is directed to the last section that was constructed behind the ear. The green pecked line shows the expanded shape. You can also see the silhouette of the first section that was build in the center of the back of the head. The red pecked arrow shows the elevation and the over-direction into the expanded shape in the frontal area. The green pecked line at the bottom of the diagram shows the length range and the geometries of this design. Triangular graduation can have square or triangular geometry of the line. The round line is possible only in the combination of round layers and triangular graduation. You can find this design in combination course. Triangular graduation can have square or triangular geometry of the line.
Triangular graduation is an external design. The weight is distributed around the external part of the shape, it is an external graduation. It is a heavy design. We construct it at the level of the jaw. There is no other range of lengths. So make sure that the lengths stops at the level of the jaw. The line can be square and triangular. It cannot be round because the weight is quite bulky and round line won’t look nice with triangular graduation.
First we separate the main sections. The central section must be right in the middle of the head. Check it, putting your fingers behind the client’s ears. You must make sure that the section is right in the centre. The construction of the design depends on it, as well as the balance. You must practice to learn to see the center.
There mustn’t be any shift even 5 millimeters. The next sections will tell us where the weight accumulation stops. We separate them a little below the center. Watch the edge of hair growth and the top of the head, locate the center and separate the sections a little lower. After that we start the construction of the silhouette throgh the central section. Study the diagram carefully. It is impossible to construct designs if you don’t know their diagrams. You must learn them be heart. We start the construction from the central section. Stand where you can see the silhouette. Triangular geometry consists of two planar surfaces. If you are building this one, you must put the ruler at the center of the section perpendicularly and stand where it points. You must stand in front of the planar surface.