Matrix 9 - Fundamental

Triangular layers on long length



We start this design with the line technique. Triangular line is built starting from the main section. The back of the head is divided in two equal parts by the black-colored section. Then we separate additional blue-colored sections. We start from the lower section. The incline of the section corresponds to the cheekbone slope. It is a slight incline from the horizon. The next section is parallel to the previous one. We continue with parallel sections as far as the top of the ear. After that we start to turn the sections pivotally. Section after section we move to the vertical section that will be shown on the side view. It divides hair growing to the side and to the back of the head. The red arrows show the over-direction. The hair is combed and directed into the expanded shape.

The cutting angle is directed into the expanded shape. The expanded shape is shown with the green pecked line. The red pecked arrows show the over-direction into the expanded shape. You can see at the side view that all types of lines are constructed in the same way. Round, triangular and square line. We separate additional sections shown in blue color, following the slope of the cheekbone and the jaw. It is a slight incline from the horizon. We move upwards as far as the pivoting rotation. The pivoting rotation goes through the vertical section shown in black color. It divides hair growing to the side and to the back of the head. The sections turn pivotally from this point above the ear top. The red arrow shows the over-direction into the expanded shape.

Video Tutorial


Triangular layers. We have built a triangular line to show you layers technique with triangular geometry. This design is constructed on long hair that is why we call it triangular layers on long length. The range of lengths is the following - a little higher of the shoulders and everything that is lower. We are going to construct this design on dry hair so that you can see how the weight is controlled and how the weight controls the outline. Before building triangular layers you must construct a line. We have already built it. You should choose the geometry of the line. If you want square geometry, you must build square geometry at the sides. If you want triangular geometry, you follow the needed incline of the bone structure. The same with round geometry, you follow a particular incline with the cutting angle.

Remember that the line is read from the side. It is always flat at the back of the head. It provides maximum stability and immobility. We need to find the vertical section that divides hair into hair falling to the back of the head and hair falling to the sides. We separate vertical sections on both sides. Then we are going to work with pivoting sections. From the central section first to one side and then to the other side. The expanded shape looks like this. If the hair is long and thin, the expanded shape will be more narrow. If the hair is short and thick, the expanded shape will be wider. But its range is this one. Here the square geometry starts, you must not reach this area. And if you turn the hair like this you will build an extremely round design and lose the outline.


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