The founder of Anna Eshwood Ltd and Matrix 9 teaching system.
Anna Eshwood has created an educational system for teaching technical skill of hairdressing. With its help beginners, as well as experienced specialists, can learn a clear substantial sequence of actions that will be used to construct functional hair designs with correct proportions.
Anna has worked in this field for a long time and has met with different teaching systems and numerous programs, that teach a visual approach. They do not provide clear instructions that a person can use to construct designs knowingly and masterfully.
Unfortunately, big profit-oriented companies have affected the quality of our skill.
The use of thinning scissors and razors, as well as the visual approach in general, have aggravated the quality of designs that the clients get.
The mission of Anna Eshwood brand it to revive the art of hairdressing and educate professional craftsmen who will know the laws of design and construct high-quality designs in minimal time. One must know how to build a functional design in 45 minutes.
Matrix 9 has proven its efficiency by educating a lot of professionals who work with designs correctly. Matrix 9 system is available on Anna Eshwood Ltd official website.
The same teaching system is used at our personal seminars. It is the intellectual property of Anna Eshwood brand and is not subject to copying .
Copying of Matrix 9 teaching system is a copyright infringement and is protected by law.